Monday, April 6, 2009


Sorry, sorry, sorry...

I'm really trying to update and get some photos up, but the internet is unfortunately so sh#te that many hours of attempts have yielded nothing...

Rest assures though, we're still alive and well, Michelle is feeling much better, Vietnam is exciting (though a little touristy) and we have amazing photos! If only the internet would co-operate long enough to get some uploaded!!!

We've shortened our trip, but we're very excited to be heading to London on the 8th of May.

Will update ASAP, as soon as I can find an internet cafe with reliable connection!

Take care... thanks to the response from the shout out - we love hearing from you all!!!

1 comment:

Tash said...

Hey Guys,
So glad to hear Michelle is feeling better. Looking forward to seeing the latest photos of your amazing adventure. Not a lot new here other than our wedding is now only 9 months way, YAY!

Take care

Tash x