Monday, December 8, 2008

Tense Days

Well, it's seems to have all been sorted now, but for a few days last week it didn't look like we were going to be going anywhere. The political situation in Thailand has been fairly up and down for years, but typically they make a pretty good job of keeping it away from the tourist areas. Considering how much the tourism dollar is worth to the country, this makes very good sense. I'm not sure what led the PAD to decide that storming both Bangkok airports for a sit in, but we (well, me, I think Michelle was pretty unphased for the most part) had a restless night or two while they sorted thing out.

So heres hoping that peace and common sense holds.

On the home front, we've been packing and getting things all sorted for the move out. Sure makes it all seem a lot more real when your house starts emptying out. Selling things on trademe has been a bit of a mission. People don't seem to understand what "buyer must pick up" means. No, I wont arrange a courier. No, I wont deliver to Beachaven. Ah well you get that.

A meagre 18 days to go now, so soon! Starting to get quite excited now!

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