Thursday, June 11, 2009

Landed, getting settled...

Hi all, sorry for the big gap between posts. So we arrived safe and sound, if a little tired into London - quite a good flight actually; no personal movie screens to keep us entertained, but there were a few trashy Poms having nicotine withdrawl domestics to keep us entertained...

Settling into London life, Michelle got work practically immediately (3rd day here) but I'm not having so much luck. Like the NZ job scene, things here are fairly slow, and given that every role I'm applying for has maybe 400 other applicants, its slow going.

Loving the life over here though - London is crazy, hectic, fun, exciting and constantly on the go, except for today - theres a Tube strike!

Will endevour to keep this blog updated with what we're up to, and still planning on doing a SE Asia wrap up, as well as post a bunch more photos... ok theres a lot to catch up on!

Hope all is well in Kiwi-winter-land. Rest assured that the British summer was incredable - all 4 days of it. I think it was warmer in Auckland yesterday than here... seriously.

Anyway, must away - love to all.